Bennington Badger Youth Spirit


We appreciate our sponsors and all they do for the Bennington Badger Youth Spirit program. We’ve been able to purchase a canopy, and provide our cheerleaders with continuing education because of your generosity!


Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please send us an email!


Sponsorship Levels

Gold Sponsors -$500


  • Advertisement on all Social Media platforms

  • Advertisement on website

  • Advertisement on banner(s) presented at game(s)

  • Shout-outs from individual cheerleader/cheer teams (on social media)

  • Your logo displayed on the back of the practice shirts for both the athletes and the coaches


Silver Sponsors -$250


  • Advertisement on all Social Media platforms

  • Advertisement on website

  • Shout-outs from individual cheerleader/cheer teams (on social media)


Bronze Sponsors -$100


  • Advertisement on all Social Media platforms

  • Advertisement on website